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Why not write for EHI Primary Care? We’re on the lookout for your features, comment, analysis and thoughts.
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Why not write for EHI Primary Care? We’re on the lookout for your features, comment, analysis and thoughts.
The government recently announced that all acute trusts in England will move to PACS within the next three years. This is a huge undertaking both
Alright you anoraks, what do you know about engineering? I don’t mean plugging in the odd bit of extra RAM. I mean real engineering.
The quality and outcomes framework (QoF) is designed to reward practices for the quality of care offered to their patients and will be an important
Openness around quality and outcomes on a scale like never before is needed to understand
With the Labour Party Conference hosted in Liverpool just a week after the publication of
The ‘honesty and speed’ of Lord Darzi’s independent investigation into the state of the NHS
Informal mentoring from digital leaders helped land physiotherapist Ben Jeeves his first job in digital.
A conversation with a trainee has consultant paediatrician Martin Farrier questioning whether traditional medical strengths