Health IT news in brief

Health IT news in brief
Digital Health's weekly round-up of healthcare IT news

Today’s health IT news in brief covers the rollout of a paediatric diabetes information management system, a new accreditation for System C’s maternity software, and the launch of an inquiry into decision making algorithms.

Paediatric diabetes information management system launches across Wales

An electronic information management system for paediatric diabetes is to launch across Wales.

Web-based application Twinkle – developed by Hicom – helps standardise key care processes, as well as making it possible to consistently collect and store patient information. It is hoped performance measurement will become simpler, as will the collation of information for the country’s National Paediatric Data Audit.

The roll of the application, which is being funded by the Welsh Government, will see all 14 paediatric diabetes units in Wales start to use Twinkle. It is expected reliance on paper-based records will significantly fall as a result.

System C’s maternity software accredited by Perinatal Institute

System C’s specialist maternity software has become one of the first systems to receive full accreditation from the Perinatal Institute.

The Institute, a non-profit organisation created to enhance the safety and quality of maternity care, has accredited the company’s Medway Maternity software. The tool is currently used by 21 NHS trusts – as a standalone system in 11, and as part of a hospital-wide Medway electronic patient record in the 10 others.

The accreditation means that the Institute’s GROW charts – used to measure a baby’s growth in the womb – will be available to Medway Maternity users. The use of such charts was one of the key recommendations of Saving Babies’ Lives care bundle, issued by NHS England last year in an attempt to reduce the numbers of stillbirths.

New digital social care platform in Barnet

A software platform which enables users to manage and pay for all of their social care needs online has been launched in Barnet.

Capita’s ChooseCare enables users to make direct payments to care providers over an online platform. This removes the need for funds to be transferred to users’ bank accounts or pre-paid cards to be issued.

Select committee launches inquiry on decision making algorithms

The House of Commons Science and Technology Committee has launched a new inquiry into the use of algorithms in public decision making.

The Committee is seeking to explore the extent to which greater use of algorithms will lead to improved decisions. It will consider whether such choices can be made in a transparent or accountable way, as well as the scope for them to be fully understood and challenged.

Written submissions are currently being invited, with the deadline of 21 April 2017.

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