Two integrated care systems set out plans for single EPR

  • 12 August 2021
Two integrated care systems set out plans for single EPR

Two integrated care systems are working together to deploy a single electronic patient record across the region’s five acute trusts.

Cornwall and Devon integrated care systems (ICSs) are in the process of developing a “strategic outline case” for a shared electronic patient record (EPR).

Recent board papers from University Hospitals Plymouth – one of the acute trusts in the region – confirmed the organisation was working with partners “across the peninsula” to develop the record.

A spokesperson for NHS Devon Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), which forms part of the Devon ICS, said: “We are currently working with all the peninsula trusts to define what a system-wide benefit case would look like for a single EPR. A strategic outline case is due to be completed later this year.”

It’s not yet known if the ICSs have a preferred supplier for the EPR. Royal Devon and Exeter Foundation Trust, one of the trusts in the peninsula, recently went live with an EPR from US firm Epic.

Digital Health News has previously reported that neighbouring hospital Torbay and South Devon Foundation Trust has fast-tracked its EPR plans using money allocated as part of the government’s ’40 new hospitals’ programme.

The acute and community trust was one of 40 hospitals allocated funding under the government’s £3.7bn plan to build 40 new hospitals by 2030.

All acute trusts across the Cornwall and Devon peninsula, apart from Royal Devon and Exeter, received funding from the programme.

Wider digital agenda

Digital transformation is a key priority for the ICSs, with other projects currently underway to deliver more joined up care across the region.

Devon ICS is set to deliver a single EPR across hospices in the region, with an end goal of system-wide integration of EPRs across the region.

There is also a focus on “enabling effective communication between clinical systems in Cornwall”.

The work is supported by £8.8million system-led investment.

Alongside EPR programmes, there’s also work underway to developed more integrated care services.

NHS Devon CCG has put out a £167million tender for an integrated urgent care service for Devon.

The service will be expected to provide “easy access to urgent health care services that is fully integrated with all aspects of the system – through NHS 111”, according to the tender notice.

A clinical assessment process of 111 calls will then be used to sign post patients to the correct health professional.

“The core vision for the IUC [integrated urgent care] service in Devon builds upon the success of NHS 111 in simplifying access for patients and increasing the confidence that they, commissioner, health professionals and most importantly the public have in services.”

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  • Oh dear. On the face of it a single EPR for an ICS makes perfect common sense, but as Einstein said “common sense is a prejudice acquired before the age of 18”. The massive “Collective Action Dilemma” of choosing a single EPR across multiple organisations usually guarantees a painful failure. First hire your sociologist and anthropologist…..

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