Mid Cheshire is 50th Medway site

  • 29 March 2010

Mid Cheshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust has gone live with a maternity information system from System C Healthcare, giving the company the 50th deployment of its Medway product.

More than 250 midwives, doctors and support staff are using the system to handle the maternity services provided by the trust’s community facilities and acute hospitals in Crewe and Northwich.

Medway provides a detailed record of each pregnancy, from a patient’s initial booking to the end of postnatal care.

The trust, which handles around 3,000 births and 20,500 antenatal outpatient attendances a year, selected the maternity system as an additional module to integrate with its Silverlink patient administration system.

It signed a deal with System C in June 2009, with roll-out commencing a month later, and go-live last month.

Simon Cunningham, lead consultant obstetrician for the project at the trust, said: “We are very pleased with the quality of software provided and with the high level of support.

“The system has received a positive reception from a range of staff. Users have found it to be easy to pick up and intuitive.

"We have already experienced quick wins such as easy access to unit statistics and having a large part of our documentation NHS Litigation Authority compliant.”

Additional phases to the implementation have already started and include implementing CTG monitoring on the labour ward using Huntleigh Healthcare’s Dopplex Centrale solution.

The software is also being integrated with the trust’s Sunquest results reporting solution so test results can be fed directly into a patient’s electronic record.

System C used its rapid deployment methodology which includes project management, localising the system, interfacing to the trust’s PAS, aligning the solution and processes and user training.

Ian Denley, chief executive of System C, said: “We are delighted to celebrate this landmark 50th go-live with Mid Cheshire, particularly after such a smooth deployment, completed on time and on budget.”

Link: System C

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