Leicester goes big on digital dictation

  • 22 February 2010

SRC has completed its largest ever deployment of WinScribe digital dictation system at University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust.

Under the deal SRC will provide the WinScribe system to 2000 NHS staff at three hospitals within the trust: Glenfield Hospital, Leicester General Hospital and Leicester Royal Infirmary.

The digital dictation technology will be used to help accelerate document turn- around times and help meet the Department of Health’s 18 week programme.

SCR initially signed the deal with UHL through the East Midlands resource hub digital dictation framework agreement in 2008 to provide the system to 800 staff. The new deal builds on this initial success

According to SRC the trust has already reported significant time savings, particularly in the preparation for GP correspondence.

The WinScribe system features provide an end-to-end transcription process by automatically prioritising and making dictations available to the appropriate typing resources.

Sarah Morley, ophthalmology operational service manager at UHL said: “Since going live we have totally eradicated backlogs and are able to produce documents on the same day as they are dictated. We also have the ability to monitor and adjust workflow setting to help boost efficiencies.”

SRC, who provided implementation, project management, and training and support services say they believe it is the largest acute hospital implementation of digital dictation in the UK.

The company is now helping the trust achieve additional cost and time savings by developing business processes and extending the solution to provide voice recognition.

Malcolm Lowe-Lauri, chief executive of UHL said: “Like other hospitals, a key focus for UHL is ensuring the patient pathway is as effective as possible. SRC have made this a reality for our clerical and administrative staff by implementing a flexible solution that supports users throughout our three separate campus sites.”

The resource contract that UHL procured the system under is valid for three years, however, the trust made a capital purchase of the system, which will be used for the foreseeable future.

Chris Hart, chief executive at SRC added: “We are focused on deploying solutions that drive efficiencies and improve the way authors and typists work.”




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